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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form


randomCollection - Variable in class com.ryandw11.structure.loottables.LootTable
The default RandomCollection provided.
RandomCollection<E> - Class in com.ryandw11.structure.utils
A collection where the next value can be obtained at Random.
RandomCollection() - Constructor for class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.RandomCollection
Construct the random collection with a new random.
RandomCollection(Random) - Constructor for class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.RandomCollection
Construct random collection with an existing random.
RateLimitException - Exception in com.ryandw11.structure.exceptions
This exception occurs when an API method is rate limited due to performance concerns.
RateLimitException(String) - Constructor for exception com.ryandw11.structure.exceptions.RateLimitException
RED_SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class com.ryandw11.structure.loottables.LootTableType
registerAddon(CustomStructureAddon) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.AddonHandler
Register a custom addon.
registerCommand(SubCommand, String...) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.commands.CommandHandler
Register a command.
registerCommand(String, SubCommand) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.commands.CommandHandler
Register a command.
registerCustomAddon(CustomStructureAddon) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.api.CustomStructuresAPI
Register an addon to the Custom Structure plugin.
registerLootItem(String, Class<? extends ConfigLootItem>) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.api.structaddon.CustomStructureAddon
Register a custom LootItem for use.
registerLootTable(LootTable) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.api.structaddon.CustomStructureAddon
Register a custom LootTable for use.
registerStructureSectionProvider(StructureSectionProvider) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.api.structaddon.CustomStructureAddon
Register StructureSectionProvider to the addon.
registerStructureSign(String, Class<? extends StructureSign>) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.StructureSignHandler
Register a structure sign with the plugin.
registerStructureSign(String, Class<? extends StructureSign>) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.api.structaddon.CustomStructureAddon
Register a structure sign to be used.
ReloadCommand - Class in com.ryandw11.structure.commands.cstruct
The reload command for the plugin.
ReloadCommand(CustomStructures) - Constructor for class com.ryandw11.structure.commands.cstruct.ReloadCommand
reloadHandlers() - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.CustomStructures
Reload the handlers.
removeItem(String) - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.loottables.customitems.CustomItemManager
Remove an item from the custom items file.
renameConfigBoolean(ConfigurationSection, String, String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
renameConfigInteger(ConfigurationSection, String, String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
renameConfigString(ConfigurationSection, String, String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
renameConfigStringList(ConfigurationSection, String, String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
renameStringConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection, String, String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
replaceBrewerContent(LootTable, BrewerInventory) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.LootTableReplacer
Replace the contents of a brewer with the loot table.
replaceChestContent(LootTable, Random, Inventory) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.LootTableReplacer
Replace the chest content.
replaceContainerContent(Structure, Location) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.LootTableReplacer
Replace the contents of a container with the loot table from a structure.
replaceFurnaceContent(LootTable, FurnaceInventory) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.LootTableReplacer
Replace the content of the furnace with loot table items.
replacePAPIPlaceholders(String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.CustomStructures
Resolves PAPI placeholders.
replacePlaceHolders(String, Location, Location, Location, Structure) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.CSUtils
Replace the placeholders on commands in the command group.
replaceSignWithSchematic(Location, Structure, int) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.SchematicSignReplacer
Replace a sign with a schematic.
retrieveRangedInput(String) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.NumberStylizer
Parse an int range and pick a value at random.
rotateAround(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, double) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.SchematicLocationUtils
Rotate the point around the center.
rotateAround(Location, Location, double) - Static method in class com.ryandw11.structure.schematic.SchematicLocationUtils
Rotate the point around a center.
run() - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.bottomfill.DefaultBottomFill
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.threading.CheckStructureList
run() - Method in class com.ryandw11.structure.utils.StructurePicker
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All Classes|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Deprecated API|Serialized Form