Class LootTableReplacer


public class LootTableReplacer extends Object
Handle loot table replacement in schematics.
  • Method Details

    • replaceContainerContent

      protected static void replaceContainerContent(Structure structure, org.bukkit.Location location)
      Replace the contents of a container with the loot table from a structure.
      structure - The structure that is being spawned.
      location - The location of the container.
    • replaceChestContent

      public static void replaceChestContent(LootTable lootTable, Random random, org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory containerInventory)
      Replace the chest content.
      lootTable - The loot table.
      random - The value of random.
      containerInventory - The container inventory
    • replaceBrewerContent

      public static void replaceBrewerContent(LootTable lootTable, org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory containerInventory)
      Replace the contents of a brewer with the loot table.
      lootTable - The loot table to populate the brewer with.
      containerInventory - The inventory of the brewer.
    • replaceFurnaceContent

      public static void replaceFurnaceContent(LootTable lootTable, org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory containerInventory)
      Replace the content of the furnace with loot table items.
      lootTable - The loot table selected for the furnace.
      containerInventory - The inventory of the furnace.