Class StructureSign

Direct Known Subclasses:
CommandSign, MobSign, MythicMobSign, NPCSign

public abstract class StructureSign extends Object
Define a custom Structure Sign by extending this class.

You can access the arguments by using the get...Argument methods. Check if an argument exists by using hasArgument(int). The argument numbers correspond to the lines on a sign. So argument 0 is the second line of the sign. That means there will always be 3 arguments available at maximum. You are allowed to have an argument on line 2 and line 4 (skipping line 3). That just means hasArgument(int) will return false when you input 1 and true for 0 or 2.

Argument #0
Argument #1
Argument #2

Do not add a constructor to your implementation.

See MobSign for an implementation example.

  • Constructor Details

    • StructureSign

      public StructureSign()

      Do not overload this constructor.

  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public final void initialize(String[] arguments, double signRotation, double structureRotation, org.bukkit.Location structureMinimumLocation, org.bukkit.Location structureMaximumLocation)
      Initializes the structure signs with the required arguments.

      Internal Use Only.

      arguments - The string array of arguments.
      signRotation - The rotation of the sign.
      structureRotation - The rotation of the structure.
      structureMinimumLocation - The minimum location of structure schematic.
      structureMaximumLocation - The maximum location of the structure schematic.
    • onStructureSpawn

      public abstract boolean onStructureSpawn(@NotNull @NotNull org.bukkit.Location location, @NotNull @NotNull Structure structure)
      The method that is called when a structure is spawned.

      This method should be implemented by your implementation. Use the get...Argument methods to grab the arguments on the signs.

      location - The location of the sign.
      structure - The structure that was spawned.
      True if the sign should be removed, false if it should stay.
    • getSignRotation

      public final double getSignRotation()
      Get the rotation of the sign (in radians).
      The rotation of the sign in radians.
    • getStructureRotation

      public final double getStructureRotation()
      Get the rotation of the structure (in radians).
      The rotation of the structure in radians.
    • getStructureMinimumLocation

      public final org.bukkit.Location getStructureMinimumLocation()
      Get the minimum corner of the structure schematic.
      The minimum corner of the structure schematic.
    • getStructureMaximumLocation

      public final org.bukkit.Location getStructureMaximumLocation()
      Get the maximum corner of the structure schematic.
      The maximum corner of the structure schematic.
    • hasArgument

      public final boolean hasArgument(int argNumber)
      Check if a certain argument exists.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      If the argument exists.
    • getStringArgument

      public final String getStringArgument(int argNumber)
      Get an argument as a String.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      The argument as a String.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getIntArgument

      public final int getIntArgument(int argNumber)
      Get an argument as an Integer.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      The argument as an Integer.
      NumberFormatException - If the argument is not a valid integer. (Use getIntArgument(int, int) to avoid this exception).
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getIntArgument

      public final int getIntArgument(int argNumber, int defaultValue)
      Get an argument as an Integer, but with a default value.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      defaultValue - The default integer to be returned if the argument is not a valid integer.
      The argument as an Integer.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getDoubleArgument

      public final double getDoubleArgument(int argNumber)
      Get an argument as a Double.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      The argument as a Double.
      NumberFormatException - If the argument is not a valid Double. (Use getDoubleArgument(int, double) to avoid this exception).
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getDoubleArgument

      public final double getDoubleArgument(int argNumber, double defaultValue)
      Get an argument as a Double, but with a default value.
      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      defaultValue - The default value to be returned if the argument is not a valid Double.
      The argument as a Double.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getRangedIntArgument

      public final Pair<Integer,​Integer> getRangedIntArgument(int argNumber)
      Get an argument as a Lower and Upper bound integer range.

      Example: [5;10]

      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2).
      The argument as a Lower and Upper bound integer range. (Left is lower, right is upper).
      NumberFormatException - If the argument is not formatted correctly. (Use getRangedIntArgument(int, int, int) to avoid this exception.)
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getRangedIntArgument

      public final Pair<Integer,​Integer> getRangedIntArgument(int argNumber, int defaultLowerValue, int defaultUpperValue)
      Get an argument as a Lower and Upper bound integer range, but with a default range.

      Example: [5;10]

      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      defaultLowerValue - The lower value of the default range.
      defaultUpperValue - The upper value of the default range.
      The argument as a Lower and Upper bound integer range.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • calculateRangedIntArgument

      public final int calculateRangedIntArgument(int argNumber)
      Get a random number from within a ranged integer argument.

      Example: [5;10], might return 6.

      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      A random number from within a ranged integer argument.
      NumberFormatException - If the argument is not a valid integer range. (Use calculateRangedIntArgument(int, int) to avoid this exception.)
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • calculateRangedIntArgument

      public final int calculateRangedIntArgument(int argNumber, int defaultValue)
      Get a random number from within a ranged integer argument, but with a default value.

      Example: [5;10], might return 6.

      [10;4] will return the default value since it is not a valid range.

      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      defaultValue - The default value to be used when the range is not valid.
      A random number from within a ranged integer argument.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.
    • getStylizedIntArgument

      public final int getStylizedIntArgument(int argNumber)
      Get a stylized integer from an argument.

      This is the same as calculateRangedIntArgument(int), but it also accepts a single integer on top of a range.

      Valid Inputs:

      argNumber - The argument number. (0 - 2)
      The number represented by the stylized integer. (Defaults to 1 if not a valid format).
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - If argNumber is not within the range of 0 to 2.